
  • Pub Quiz Night 2018

    A big Thank You to everyone who joined us for a fantastic night at our charity pub quiz and raffle at The Horse Shepshed on December 23rd, 2018.

    Landlord, Lee Joynes, was the most able quiz master … more

  • Gordon Singers charity concert

    BeatTN would like to say a huge thank you to the Gordon Singers for raising an amazing £465 for our cause during a charity concert on 22nd June.

    The Gordon Singers was founded in 1990 and during … more

  • Raise funds for BeatTN on Amazon Smile

    BeatTN is now a registered cause with Amazon Smile.

    Whenever you buy anything online via Amazon Smile you could be collecting free donations for our cause. 

    And from now until 29th June get Triple … more

  • Pub Quiz Night 2017

    A big Thank You to everyone who joined us for a fantastic night at our charity pub quiz at The Horse Shepshed.

    We raised £376 for Beat TN, which was amazing!

    Landlord Lee Joynes was the compere for … more

  • Raise funds for BeatTN while you shop!

    BeatTN is now a registered cause with easyfundraising.

    Whenever you buy anything online - from your weekly shop to your annual holiday - you could be collecting free donations for our cause!

    There … more

  • Quorn car boot sale

    On Sunday 23rd October, BeatTN ran a stall at Quorn Car Boot sale, selling second hand toys and books.  Despite the rain (and the early start!) the turn-out was pretty good and a total of £93.20 was … more

  • Charity Quiz Night 2016

    On Sunday 27th March 2016, a charity Quiz Night was held at The Horse Shepshed in aid of BeatTN.

    Over 60 people bought tickets to the event, which included quiz entry and a bolognese or curry supper … more

  • Coast to Coast cycle ride

    On 4th Sept 2015, Neil Weller, Mick Davis, Colin Simpson & Dave Smith from Shepshed, Leicestershire undertook a coast-to-coast cycle ride across the UK in aid of BeatTN, raising an amazing £1500 to … more